Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Go Crazy

Hello All,
Ok so it is apparent that I truly suck at keeping up with my blog. Like I even wrote a blog about it.  I am just going to stop myself right there. I'll write my blog and I'll say something mildly humorous (more so to myself than my audience, sorry) But then that's all. Quite frankly it's taken me twenty minutes to get through this sentence. I blame society. Oh society how you have let me down with my lack of spelling ability and my Tourette's like use of the word like (even in like writing form). However, after a disastrous morning of missed appointments and not reading emails correctly I guess it is now time to turn the blame towards myself. 

Dear Myself,
Hi, what's happening? Not much you say. Did you see this weeks Gossip Girl? You did! It was sooo amazing. Chuck Bass is my everything. 
Anyways the reason why I'm writing you is because it's time to put the blame on. Yes you have got to put it on yourself my friend. No, no don't blame it on the goose that's got you feelin' loose, it's time to sit down and lady up. You started a blog. People follow it. Ok, a person follows it. You owe it to yourself, and the person to sit down and write your blog so goddammit you are going to do it! You are going to make a vow that for the next thirty days  no matter what, you will write something on your blog. I know, I know it's difficult. It seems close to impossible. But nothing's impossible since you have both a desktop and laptop computer. So Alessandra live it, write it, blog it. You have the ability so just do it, ok. And no worries more than one blog can be dedicated to Chuck Bass, obvi.

Ok so that wasn't hard. Now since I have the theme of "How To's" I thought this inaugural blog is the perfect "How To" of "How To Be Crazy". I don't even have to write a "How To" because I'm pretty sure the above statements can be used as some kind of manual. Regardless for a more narrow approach to crazy I'll let you in on my secrets. 

I don't want to brag but I have a crazy PhD. I have been cast in not one but three plays where being crazy was in the description of my character. One of the character's names was even "Crazy Pensionne Lady." Oh and in case you're wondering, "Oh that doesn't mean anything she's just a good actress." Thank you, first off, but also in the words of the jerk seven year-old I take care of, 
       " No offense, but I can tell you would be a bad actor."

I'd say the true factor of my craziness is my inability to stop talking. That can be your first step to crazy town. If you never stop talking then who knows what's going to come out of my mouth, bananas that's what. So never ever stop talking and if people criticize you, you won't be able to hear them because your talking. It's foolproof.

Another helpful step, don't brush your hair. I'm really grateful that this whole bed-head thing is a slight trend because it's the only way I do my hair. Even if I spend hours on my hair I can assure it will look like this

Do you see that faraway look in my eyes? Like my eyes are focusing on something that doesn't exist. That's the goal my friends.

So thanks for reading and get ready because there will be a new blog every day. Can you handle it?


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