So as a kid I would regularly have bets with people. The first bet I ever had was in kindergarten. For some reason I truly believed the moon was navy blue and my friend Dean kept trying to tell me it was a yellow colour. I so truly believed that the moon was navy blue that I got my friends Nakita and Rocco on my side. Dean got Joseph on his side, but that didn't count because Dean and Joseph were always on eachother's side. Eventually we asked Mrs. Suriano what colour the moon was and she was like, "It's cream!"
This failure I experienced did not sour me on the whole betting concept. Throughout grade school I made bets on everything, from word pronuncitations to why someone did not show to school.
I loved a good bet and it really brought the ugly out of me. I was mean, competitive and obnoxious- a tradition I still carry on today with my Oscar pool.
For the last five years I have had a pretty intense Oscar pool with my frousin (cousin/friend- patent pending!) Mina. At first I would guess the winners according to my heart but now it is a science. I make sure I know everything about the movies and I withhold information from Mina while we choose our various picks. I won't go into specifics but last year Mina chose Avatar for Best Picture, when it was so clearly going to be The Hurt Locker- but I didn't say a word. And this year is no different. It's not only the fifth anniversary of our little bet but it's the tie breaker so shit's about to get real. Not only are we doing our usual loser buys dinner and a movie for the winner (we're very romantic apparently) but in celebration of the five we're going traditional and buying something either in silverware or wood for one another (so the modern/traditional etiquette dictates). I am so going to win. I already know that I want a wicked wooden spoon that I will eat my entire victory dinner with whether or not it is a spoon appropriate meal.
Since this is a "How To" I guess I will get to the how point of this post. How to win a bet, well there are many factors. If you place bets with anyone under the age of eleven it's fairly easy to cheat so I suggest doing that (Stupid kids). Anyone older, hard work. Like anything else know what you're talking about and who you're talking to. And always have a sense of humour about it. It's not fun and frankly weird if you get super intense on your adversary (except for Mina, there's something about her face, I don't know).
Anyways, the number one rule is have fun, and maybe bet some money. I have yet to do a bet like that but apparently they're the most popular kind.
Have a great Friday night. I hear the moon's going to be a beautiful aqua-marine tonight.
Thanks for reading!
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