So it's Thursday and it's supposed to be reader's requests, but I forgot to ask people via facebook/text what they want me to write about. So no request today, just like it was no "What Children Said To Me This Week" on Tuesday and no Gossip Girl Review on Monday (But that one wasn't my fault, that was the CW's...and society's!). Wednesday worked out though because it's "Anything Goes Wednesday", so you know, anything went.
So now I will let the fates decide what I will write about. Whatever my next Stumble Upon website is I will somehow figure out a "How To" out of it.
Ok so ironically enough I stumbled upon a "How To" website of "How To Wake Up Every Morning On Top Of The World". Eerie! The computer has done the work for me, just like it did my grade eleven history essay (shhh!).
Basically the guy says don't wake up stressed, don't watch T.V or turn on the computer, listen to music and meditate. I think I can do one better.
How To Wake Up Every Morning On Top of the World
First things first, where do you live? Northern Russia, Northern Canada or the North Pole? Oh you don't live in any of those places? Too bad, you can never be on top of the world.
Secondly, you can't really control how you're going to feel as soon as you wake up. It's pretty difficult considering you don't know how you have slept.
But what you can control is what is the first word you say in the morning. This is a game I play with myself. Usually it's "Hi" but sometimes it's "What?", "Fine" and "Oh my god you guys are so loud in the morning!".
I figure if you can make that first word a happy one you'll have a decent day. Maybe not on top of the world good, but aight.
Thirdly, meditation is a wonderful thing. But if you're like me you wake up with just enough time to do everything you need to get done. If I take a minute longer doing something, I will be at least ten minutes late. So the question is do you want to sacrifice sleep to meditate? Doesn't make much sense does it. Especially when the Dalai Lama says, "The best form if meditation is sleep". Made you ponder didn't I?
So maybe I don't know the secret to waking up feeling earth toppingly good but I do know laughter helps. So enjoy this video, it makes me laugh (but apparently don't enjoy it first thing in the morning).
Oh and readers, please comment about what you would like my next Thursday's post to be on. Don't leave me hanging!
Thanks for reading!
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