Friday, April 22, 2011

How To... Damn I Did It Again!

So I was all like, "Oh sorry I took a week off so sorry never forget to post again", and I did. Oops . If I had a nickel for every time I claimed I was going to always write and then forget to write I'd have twenty cents. Which would be the most I have ever been paid for my writing. Does someone want to pay me? Wait, no I will  not be needy. Besides I have a job where I get abused by a seven year old.

Ok so I have just been interrupted by my sister claiming that I should remove the sentence in my previous post that said,
 "I used to technically, sort of, kind of, a little bit, just a smidge, a scotch, a teensy weensy bit of a Scientologist." 
Because people will think that I am a Scientologist because people only half-read on the internet. 
But I guess if people are only half reading then they will not have gotten to this point in the post so it's a moo point (A cow's opinion, it doesn't matter. Love you Joey Tribianni).

Besides the whole point of me writing that post was that I had spent time at the Scientology centre because they offered a program called the Purification Rundown. I did not want to be one of those people who defames Scientology without actually meeting and talking with people who are Scientologists. I'm not just writing stuff to get  my opinion across, I'm writing stuff because they happened to me and I'm apparently not talented enough to write about imaginary things. 
I really dislike when people are on their high horse about certain religions, beliefs, without actually experiencing or at the very least studying the issue (and not by reading Paul Haggis' article).

Besides, the creators of South Park wrote an entire musical on Mormonism and no one is calling them Mormons, Sam!

I never studied the works of L.Ron Hubbard. Quite frankly I'm not a religious person, so if thousands of years of Catholicism has not permeated my beliefs, some guy in a desert sixty years ago, isn't going to get me all excited about the notion.

So to reiterate, I am not a Scientologist, and can someone pay me.
Thanks for reading.

My opinion matters too!

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