I do understand that if a) you don't watch the show, b) you do watch the show but you're not caught up yet, or c) you've never heard of the show and you're very confused by my obsession with the show, Monday posts may become irrelevant. But fear not, I'm witty so you'll enjoy, regardless of what I write.
So being the first review I will give you a little backstory as to why I love this glorified teen soap. Two words-Chuck Bass. He is hilarious, he's hot, he wears bow ties often and he speaks in this low raspy voice while saying ridiculous things like this:
"We, don't need tickets, I'm Chuck Bass."
"I'm Chuck Bass, and I love you."
"This means war Blair. Me versus you. No limits."
And the ever popular,
"I'm Chuck Bass."
The best part is he's like nineteen and so serious. I'm pretty sure he has never laughed once.
As for the other reasons to watch the show, it's fun, the clothes are unbelievable, New York, Paris and Blair is just as hilarious as Chuck.
Tonight's episode was a goody. The past few weeks the episodes have been incredibly dull since Serena has taken up with her ex-teacher/statutory rapist (who looks like he could be her brother)
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Like siblings, no?
Plus Blair and Chuck have barely had any scenes together. This makes me realize that I don't care about any other storyline except for those two crazy kids to end up together.
But finally, near the end the episode, something dramatic occurs to Chuck and he gets drunk and keeps shouting that he wants Blair (best part!). Of course this happens in like the last two minutes of the show, which means of course I have to watch next week.
Besides the Chuck being drunk incident, my other favourite part of the show was when the Reina character tells Nate he's not as dumb as he looks to which he responds, "I get that a lot." Oh Nate, he's so slow. To get a real insight on how slow Nate really is, I reccomend looking at what I refer to as my sister blog "What in the World is Up". Blogger Mercedes does a delightful post called "Nate Thinks", that encapsulates how Nate just barely knows what's going on.
Chuck owns an empire, Blair's on a conquest for world domination, Serena gets a man out of jail and Nate plays Wii stoned. Oh Nate, when will you learn?!
The other major thing that happened on tonight's episode is Dan and Blair may have feelings for eachother, OMFG! This angers me because all this means is there is another god damn obstacle before Chuck and Blair just get together. So I will end this review with a letter to the writers of Gossip Girl:
Hey writers of Gossip Girl, what's up?
So great job with tonight's episode. That maroon coat you put Chuck in was glorious.
So I'm sort of liking the direction you're going in this season, except for the whole Juliet and Ben storyline that went on for so long that I thought I had missed an episode and became very confused. When the confusion settled I realized you guys just did a bad job writing. But I'm not here to judge, I'm here to coach. Writers, just make Chuck and Blair get together, give Serena a love interest that doesn't look like her and is more interesting than toast, and let Nate continue to go to Columbia and hopefully retain the knowledge he learns there. But still, good job tonight.
xoxo Classic-Al.
Thanks for reading!