Like right now the mail just came, and I got a letter from The Church of Scientology. Now some of you may be thinking, "Junk mail", but no. My shameful/not at all shamed secret is...
I used to technically, sort of, kind of, a little bit, just a smidge, a scotch, a teensy weensy bit of a Scientologist.
Ok now here's the back story; I got a serious allergic reaction to antibiotics (because my immune system is a dandelion) and the Scientology centre had a program where you can go and sweat out toxins.
Look I'm not going to get into details but it helped. However it was truly the craziest experience I have ever lived through.
I met Chernobyl survivors, born-again Christians who were now born-again Scientologists, ex-cocaine addicts (the detox helped so much that the cartilage in his nose regenerated) and a thirteen year old kid who was a part of something called The Sea Org. Now this is where Scientology gets CARAZAY!!!
So L. Ron Hubbard believes that if children make up their mind about what they want to be when they grow up, they can be it. It does not matter the age.
So by his logic I would now be a bat. Yes when I was a kid I sincerely wanted to be a bat when I grew up (I don't know why, but I thought it was a possibility. Where did you think bats came from?).
So basically if a kid decides at five-years old he wants to be a life long Scientologist, bam, he could be one literally forever.
You actually become indebted to Scientology because they pay for everything for you; food, housing, clothes, etc. However here's the evil catch, let's say at sixteen you want to leave because maybe you've lost your faith, you have to pay Scientology back all the money they have spent on you. Plus they make sure it's really hard for you to leave because they make you live on a ship.
Scary, yes. Are they making a child army like Paul Haggis suggests, I don't think so.
Here's where my post is going to get a little bit controversial. All religions have a CARAZAY side to them. Maybe not in the financial sense of Scientology, but religions from the beginning of time have used children to get their message across.
And it's not like Scientology is recruiting these children. Most of them have parents or family members that are devout Scientologists (that or they were serious drug addicts who Scientology has put through their version or rehab).
So think about it, if you are a religious person chances are it is because of your parents are religious. And the people who turn to Scientology are people who were destined to turn to some sort of organization.
If it wasn't Scientology then maybe it would be Mormonism, Christianity or Fruitarianism (but those Fruitarians are fucking nuts!).
But it is very good that Paul Haggis is speaking out about the injustices. But once upon a time, he too needed something to believe in and Scientology was there for him. Would he have won an oscar without them? Not that the ends justify the means (like at all!). But it makes you think where would he be career wise without them?
Hey man those Scientologists hold clout. When I was doing the detox I had a chance to meet John Travolta (but I didn't and regret it ok. I love you Danny Zuko!).
So one can't really grind their teeth and curse L.Ron because then they got to do it to everyone (I'm talking to you Buddha, I know behind that chillaxical exterior there's a bunch of children on a boat somewhere mopping decks for you!).
However my true belief is Scientology is SO NOT a religion. It's a theory, a philosophy if you will.
But that's besides the point because the people who chose to worship at the feet of L. Ron, just have the need to worship at the feet of something or someone.
But back to the mail. Scientology STOP SENDING ME MAIL!!!@!!!!WEBQKE F@BF JBA CJWGW
It's a damn waste of paper, plastic, DVDs and my sanity.
Thanks for reading.
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Hi my name is Alessandra Vite, I used to be a human being. So basically believe in your dreams! |
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