Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Write A Blog When You Don't Know What To Write

Blog-a-thon. Day Three.

So I'm pretty embarrassed but it's my third post (yeah I'm using it correctly now Mina! But FYI people get that when I say blog they know it means post so meh!) and I do not know what to post about. So I am leaving it up to the writing gods and writing whatever comes to mind right now.

This morning I spent an hour in a half trying to email pictures and Gmail kept telling me "delivery notice failure permanently". Why? It was the right address, I've emailed pictures a hundred times, and why permanently? It's as if the email is a wine stain on suede. The Gmail people are very forceful in their wording, add that to complete frustration and I want to beat up Google.

Since we're on the Gmail topic, another thing about Gmail that's weird is that the program reads your email and then syncs up what you wrote with websites pertaining to that topic. I don't like it, yet I refuse to leave it. This is because computers scare me. In fact I don't like how my blog looks but I refuse to change it, because computers scare me. Yeah I guess I could count a pretty long list of  why computers scare me but I could just let you see this . I was trying to find a better show of what that computer can do but I thought it mispronouncing things was funnier and made the machine more likeable, and that in turn, scares me.

Side note- Umm, humans give the computer the knowledge so if Jeopardy doesn't give the computer the knowledge of that night's questions then it will lose. If Jeopardy does give the info, it wins. Why is this worth watching?

So I guess when I run out of ideas my "How To" turns into a groan fest about computers, classy. If you let me groan about one more thing- Damn you Scotia Bank I don't like you yet like this blog I don't leave, could have something to do with fear but I think lazy wins this time. I guess I have tomorrows post in the bag- "How To Be Lazy." And if you thought I knew what I was talking about with "How To Be Crazy" you ain't seen nothing yet.

Thanks for reading!

I Don't Like You


  1. You look a lot like that evil computer

  2. Ummm, I commented sincerely on your blog. Now tell your favourite parts of every blog I've every written alphabetically!
