Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Follow Through!!

I did it! I actually said I would write every day in my blog for one month and I actually achieved this. Trust me there were plenty of opportunities to not write. In fact the last two weeks of this expeiriment I couldn't help but write each entry right before I went to bed, which I admit does not make for the best posts (See: How To Write A Post In Five Minutes, How To Cure A Headache).
Still, I powered through. But now with the Oscars happening tomorrow and everything, I think I shall continue to write every single day. If that Julie, Julia woman did it for a year and she had a real job plus was cooking multiple dishes a day, what excuse do I have? I mean it's two o'clock in the afternoon and I am still in my pajamas, blog writing is in my DNA.

So now in honour of me actually following through and doing something that I said I would I am going to start having different themes for each day of writing:
Sunday- that's already Al's Views (which is kind of redundant when you think about it).
Monday- Chuck Notes, my review on this weeks Gossip Girl. This one is purely for my enjoyment (sorry reading audience) plus it gives me a reason to watch GG on Monday nights.
Tuesday- Rehashing all the mean things the kid I babysit for has said to me over the week.
Wednesday- Free for all. Whatever's in my head happens.
Thursday- Requests.
Friday and Saturday are TBA.
Not to be forgotten I am starting a talk-show which I will also post here.

Thanks for sticking with me for this month and I hope you will continue to.
Thanks for reading!!

This is how happy you make me when you read my blog!! YEA!!

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