Sunday, March 13, 2011

Al's Views 7

Oh so sad that I did not write on my blog yesterday. How could I have forgotten? I did nothing during the day. Well I did go grocery shopping, and took an epic nap, but that took three four hours tops. I have no excuse. The worst part is that now the number of posts won't match up with the number of days in the month. Oh well. Brush my self off and try again (shout out to Aaliyah).

It's now my favourite post of the week Al's Views.
I think it's my favourite because of how different it is from my other posts in which my views come from Alessandra. However today's views come straight from Al.
Now I know you're thinking, "She sounds drunk." But no, I was drunk (there's a difference), and now I'm very, very, very tired. So tired that it feels like I have a fever and I sometimes forget what I'm doing. I guess you could say I'm writing in the moment (This sentence took five minutes to write because I forgot what I was trying to say).
So this is all coming at you live. Or as live as writing could be. Oh my god, imagine if writing could come at you live? It would probably look like a person writing on a computer/paper and an audience reading behind his/her shoulder as it was happening. It would be the most inconvenient form of entertainment for everyone involved.

Well I'm tired now so I'm going to stop my views but I will say that I saw Zach Galifinakis' opening monologue on Saturday Night Live, and it was the greatest piece of comedy I have seen in a very long time. It was as good as I am tired (get it?). But I can't post it because I live in Canada and NBC hates Canada. So yeah. It was funny.

Thanks for reading!
Ha, Funny.

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